FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Father’s Day June 18th 2017 How is fatherhood changing men? Interview Dr. Bruce Linton, Founder of the Fathers’ Forum. Fatherhood, The Journey From Man To Dad. (May 2017) ISBN 978-14835966709 22 essays with questions following each chapter for self reflection or group discussion. “In our modern-day career-driven world of 12-hour workdays, being a Father competes with nearly everything, and yet when it comes to what is truly lasting, satisfying, and ultimately fulfilling in life, there is nothing else so rewarding as being a dad.” Bruce Linton In 1991 Dr. Linton wrote his first book that launched the “Fatherhood Movement” he continues his ground breaking work with new dads at the Father’s Forum program. * How are today’s fathers different from the last generation of dads? * How are men changing when they become parents. * What does the new “status” of fatherhood mean for men and women? * How does becoming a parent effect the couples relationship? *How do today’s dads balance work and family? * Is a man’s father an influence on how he will be as parent? “I am not the only writer on ‘fathers’ to have eagerly tracked Bruce Linton’s highly significant writings and activities over the past thirty years. His inspiring thinking is rooted deeply in his workshops and community activities. This work comes directly from his experience of the experience of others. He is therefore taking care of the partners, children and grandchildren of his participants just as much as he is taking care of them. This is quite an achievement and deserves widespread recognition. As the United States engages with a different kind of ‘father of the nation’, the political and cultural relevance of this book is very clear.” Andrew Samuels, Professor of Jungian Studies, University of Essex, UK. For over 30 years Bruce has been facilitating “Dads’ Groups for Fathers of Young Children” in Berkeley, California. He is the Founder of the Fathers’ Forum Programs. He received his Ph.D for his research on Men’s Development as Fathers. Contact him directly at: (510) 757-5046